Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Lowongan Pekerjaan sebagai Editor On Air Promo ANTV

Tugas dan Tanggungjawab:

  • - Melakukan editing materi Promo On – Air
  • - Melakukan collecting material yang diperlukan untuk pembuatan materi promo on – air
  • - Memberikan ide creative kepada Prouer/Senior Producer
  • - Berkoordinasi dengan Producer/Senior Producer dalam pemilihan ilustrasi musik
  • - Melakukan preview program sebelum melakukan editing
  • - Menerima creative brief dari producer


  • - Usia 23-30 tahun
  • - Pendidikan minimum D3 Design Grafis
  • - Berpengalaman minimum 1 tahun dalam bidang grafis/ editing
  • - Berkepribadian kreatif, imajinatif dan inovatif
  • - Komunikatif dan mampu bekerjasama dalam team

Tanggal Penutupan :-

info selengkapnya liat disini atau download disini

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23.02 | 0 komentar

Lowongan Kerja Promo Producer di ANTV

Tugas dan Tanggungjawab:

Mensupervisi segala kegiatan yang terkait dengan persiapan hingga pelaksanaan kegiatan Promo On-Air dari program-program yang ada di ANTV
  • Usia 25-30 tahun
  •  Pendidikan minimum Sarjana (S1)
  •  Berpengalaman minimum 3 tahun dalam bidang yang sama
  •  Berkepribadian kreatif, imajinatif dan inovatif
  •  Komunikatif dan mampu bekerjasama dalam team

Tanggal Penutupan : -

info selengkapnya klik disini atau download disini.

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22.57 | 0 komentar

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Info Beasiswa di Universitas Terkemuka Indonesia

Nama-nama universitas seperti Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH)Bina Nusantara University (Binus), dan Unika Atmajaya tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita. Mereka adalah universitas-universitas swasta yang masuk jajaran top university di Indonesia. Walaupun banyak universitas swasta lain yang kemudian bermunculan seiring dengan kemajuan dunia pendidikan di Indonesia, eksistensi mereka tak tergoyahkan dan standar pendidikannya tetap dijadikan acuan bagi setiap universitas baru yang berambisi menjadi yang terdepan.
Sebagai universitas swasta terkemuka yang memiliki sejarah panjang, UPH,Atmajaya, dan Binus menawarkan banyak program beasiswa S1 bagi para calon mahasiswanya yang berprestasi. Info beasiswa S1 dari ketiga universitas tersebut tersebar secara luas, baik dari mulut ke mulut, situs resmi, maupun dari forum-forum dan blog penyedia info beasiswa. Para mahasiswa pemburu info beasiswa pun meningkat jumlahnya dari tahun ke tahun. Sebagai contoh, Unika Atmajaya sendiri saat ini menyediakan lebih dari 350 beasiswa bagi para mahasiswanya yang kurang mampu, sementara Binus menyediakan beragam beasiswa bagi para mahasiswa berprestasi dengan beragam kriteria.
Kehadiran President University, sebagai universitas swasta berstandar internasional yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar, semakin menambah semarak bursa info beasiswa yang ada. Bagaimana tidak, President University tidak hanya menawarkan kurikulum dan lingkungan pendidikan bertaraf internasional, tapi juga menyediakan paket-paket beasiswa yang sangat kompetitif. Penyebaran informasi beasiswa President University pun sangat cepat, karena didukung oleh tim dan strategi marketing yang handal.
Paket-paket beasiswa yang disediakan oleh President University tak hanya membantu para mahasiswa berprestasi menempuh pendidikan tingginya secara maksimal, namun juga menempatkannya di tempat yang sejajar dengan UPHBinus, dan Atmajayadalam waktu yang relatif singkat. Informasi mengenai beasiswa Universitas Presiden kini menjadi alternatif baru yang banyak dicari menggantikan info beasiswa Binus, UPH, ataupun Atmajaya. Tahun demi tahun, ribuan calon mahasiswa bersaing memperebutkanbeasiswa President University. Dukungan dari berbagai perusahaan multinasional di kawasan industri Jababeka, merupakan salah satu faktor pendukung kompetitifnya beasiswa di universitas yang memiliki jumlah mahasiswa asing terbanyak itu.
Untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru mengenai Beasiswa President University, silahkan hubungi:

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23.48 | 0 komentar

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Chinese GOverment Scholarship

Full and Partial Funded Scholarships for International Students  by the Government of China
Study Subject: Any(Applicants can choose one academic program and three institutions as their preferences from the Chinese HEIs designated by MOE)

Level: Undergraduate, Masters, PhD, Senior and General Scholar
Scholarship DescriptionChinese Government Scholarship program is established by the Ministry of Education of P.R. China (hereinafter referred to as MOE) in accordance with educational exchange agreements or understandings reached between Chinese government and governments of other countries, organizations, education institutions and relevant international organizations to provide both full scholarships and partial scholarships to international students and scholars. MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to manage the recruitment and carry out the routine management of Chinese Government Scholarship Programs.
Criteria and Eligibility
  1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and in good health.
  2. Education background and age limit:
    - Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 25.
    - Applicants for master’s degree program must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
    - Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40.
    - Applicants for Chinese training program must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 35, Chinese language is the only subject available.
    - Applicants for general scholar program must have completed at least two years of undergraduate study and be under the age of 45, all subjects besides Chinese language are available.
    - Applicants for senior scholar program must have master’s degree or above, or hold academic titles of associate professor or above, and be under the age of 50.
Scholarship Application Deadline: April 30th, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application:

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14.34 | 0 komentar

Singapore Scholarship

The award based on academic merit and places will allocated by open competition. If necessary, a one-year bridging or foundation programme, in addition to the undergraduate studies, will be provided.
To be eligible, a candidate must:
  • Be a citizen in an ASEAN country (Except Singapore)
  • Possess excellent academic records; and
  • Have a good command of English
Candidates must meet the entry requirements for Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, and Singapore Management University. A recipient of the Scholarship may not concurrently hold any other Scholarship, Fellowship, Grant or Award without prior approval of the Singapore Government. The Scholars are also expected to return to their countries upon graduation to contribute to the development of their countries.
The scholarship will cover tuition fees for the duration of the award, a living allowance of S$4,300 per annum, an accommodation allowance based on the different room rates at each university and one return economy class air ticket passage from his/her home country to Singapore for the duration of studies.
Applications must be endorsed and submitted by the Indonesian Department of National Education(Bureau of Planning and Foreign Cooperation) at Building C, 6th Floor, Jl. Jend.Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat. Candidates are required to produce the following :
  1. Certificate, endorsement by the former school, for graduated applicants;
  2. Recommendation from the school principal, for applicants who are still in Grade 3 at SMU.
For more information on the Singapore Scholarships, Please contact Embassy in Jakarta:
Tel: 021-520 1489 / 5296 1433
Website: www.mfa.gov.sg/scp or write to:
The Singapore Scholarship
Technical Cooperation Directorate
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tanglin, Singapore 248163
Tel: (65) 6379 8000
Fax: (65) 6479 3357
E-Mail: mfa_scp@mfa.gov.sg

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14.30 | 0 komentar

Msc Scholarship in Finance

Who can apply: Applicants may be of any nationality and must hold or expect to obtain an offer of a place on the full time MSc in Finance for entry in September 2010. Applications may be submitted for the Scholarship along with the course application, but only those obtaining a place on the course will be entered into the Scholarship competition.

How to apply
 : Complete the MSc Finance application form (pdf document 17kb) ensuring that all sections are answered legibly.
  • Pay particular attention to the section which requires a handwritten statement of approximately 500 words on why a Scholarship would help you, and what your career or educational aims are for the five year period after you graduate from the Finance course.
  • The closing date for receipt of applications is 30 June 2010.
  • Please note that the Scholarships will be allocated in July and therefore if you are applying both for the Scholarships and the Finance course close to the 30 June deadline, you should ensure that your course application is complete.

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14.28 | 0 komentar

Accounting and Finance Honours Scholarship Monash University

If you want to study abroad, especially 
Australia, there are scholarships for bachelor’s students at Monash University who majored in accounting and finance.
To be eligible, you must be:
  • an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or permanent humanitarian visa, or
  • an international student, and
  • intending to enrol full-time in the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree majoring in accounting or finance at a Monash campus in Australia.
Selection criteria
Awarded to eligible students on the basis of academic achievement in accounting or finance units during the final two years of their degree and any prizes awarded for academic achievement. Final selection will be by a panel interview.
Value and number available
$6000 per annum for one year only. Up to two scholarships are available.
Recipients must maintain full-time enrolment and a minimum of a distinction weighted average mark (70 per cent).
All eligible students will be automatically assessed based on course application.
No application is required as all eligible students will be automatically considered.
For more information, visit 

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14.18 | 0 komentar

A*STAR Pre-Graduates Scgolarship for Undergraduate

  • This scholarship is offered by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research to undergraduates who undertake to embark on PhD studies in approved research areas after obtaining their Bachelor degrees.
  • Before applying, please view the details (such as eligibility, terms of award, etc) here.
  • To apply, download the application form, complete the form and send it with the necessary documents to us.
  • Please indicate on the envelope "Application for A*STAR PGS" and send your application together with the required documents to :

    Graduate Studies Office (A*STAR PGS)
    Nanyang Technological University
    Student Services Centre, Level 3
    42 Nanyang Avenue
    Singapore 639815
  • Your application will be forwarded to A*STAR for their decision. A*STAR will inform applicants about the outcome of their applications.

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13.36 | 0 komentar

NTU Scholarship for ASEAN Graduate

Who is eligible?

This scholarship is open to nationals of member countries of ASEAN* (except Singapore) to pursue a designated full-time Masters degree by coursework and dissertation at NTU.
* ASEAN or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations consists of Brunei Darrussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Eligibility criteria

  • Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents are not eligible to apply
  • Excellent academic record
  • A very good command of the English language
  • At least 2 years of working experience
  • An acceptable score in the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) – for applicants of the MBA programme
  • You should not be on paid employment or accept paid employment or concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship, bursary or top-up allowance during the prescribed period of the award


There is no bond attached to the scholarship. No deferment of scholarship awarded will be allowed. Awards that are not taken up will be given to other qualified candidates.


Each scholarship is tenable for a period of around 6 months only (NTU portion) for Master of Management in Hospitality, 1 year only for M.Sc. and M.Mass Communication programmes and 4 trimesters (≈ 16 months) only for the MBA programme.

Each scholarship shall cover the following:

  • Monthly stipend of S$1,350.00
  • Book allowance of S$500.00
  • Tuition fee, health insurance, examination fee and other approved fees, allowances and expenses
  • Cost of one overseas Business Study Mission (for MBA candidates only) undertaken within the tenable period of the scholarship
  • Cost of travel from home country to Singapore on award of the scholarship
  • Cost of travel from Singapore to home country on successful completion of the Masters degree within the tenable period of the scholarship

Application procedure

Open in November and close in December each year.
Invitations for applications will be placed on the University's web page at http://admissions.ntu.edu.sg/graduate/coursework/How%20do%20I%20Apply/Pages/HowtoApply.aspx

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13.31 | 0 komentar

Korean Scholarship for Undergraduate

We are excited to inform you that KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Undergraduate International Student Admissions for Fall 2011 will start very soon. This year, the application submission period will be from March 2 to April 15 of 2011. 
There is KAIST Scholarship:
KAIST provides full scholarship (Full exemtion Tution and Fee plus montly Allowances) for KAIST Scholarship recipients. After the third year of enrollment, students’ GPA should be above 3.0 (out of 4.3) in order to maintain
the full scholarship. Monthly allowances will vary from 200,000~350, 000KRW.
All of the necessary information for applying to KAIST can be found at http://admission. kaist.ac. kr. Please do not hesitate to contact us at kaistintl@kaist. ac.kr / phone (82-42)350-2354 if you have any questions.
Faculty/Collage (Departement) avalaible for undergraduate in KAIST:
  1. College of Natural Science (Physics,Mathematic al Sciences and Chemistry )
  2. College of Life Science & Bioengineering (Biological Sciences, Bio & Brain engineering )
  3. College of Engineering School of Mechanical, Aerospace & Systems Engineering (Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering ,Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering,Materials Science & Engineering ,Nuclear & Quantum Engineering )
  4. College of Information Science & Technology (Electrical Engineering, Computer Science,Information & Communication Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engineering ,Industrial Design
  5. School of Innovation Management Science
For more detail informations (step by step and document required) you can visit
also to this blog: http://kaist. wordpress. com/2011/ 02/21/kaist- scholarship- for-undergraduat e/

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12.50 | 0 komentar

New Zealand Development Scholarships

Setelah tahun ajaran 2010-2011, New Zealand atau Selandia Baru kembali menyediakan beasiswa kepada pelajar Indonesia, bernama New Zealand Development Scholarships 2011-2012. Berikut informasi beasiswa ke Selandia Baru tersebut:
New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS) provide the opportunity for individuals from targeted developing countries to undertake studies at tertiary education institutions in New Zealand. The purpose of the scholarships is for candidates to gain knowledge and skills in specific subject areas that will assist in the development of their home country by contributing to identified human resource development (HRD) training needs. Awardees are required to return to their home country for at least two years after the completion of their scholarship to apply these new skills and knowledge in government, civil society or private business organisations.
The New Zealand Development Scholarships scheme is funded by the New Zealand Government’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) programme. The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), delivers the scheme through the New Zealand Aid Programme.
Eligible countries
Include Indonesia.
General eligibility criteria
Applicants must meet the following New Zealand Development Scholarship eligibility criteria before their application will be considered against the selection criteria, including any region-specific criteria.
To be eligible to be considered for a New Zealand Development Scholarship, applicants must:
  • be a citizen of a New Zealand Development Scholarship participating country ( permanent residents are not eligible to apply)
  • be residing in their country of citizenship, preferably for at least two years prior to application
  • not have citizenship or permanent residence status of New Zealand or Australia or another developed country*
  • not be married or engaged to be married to a person who holds, or who is eligible to hold, citizenship or permanent residence of New Zealand, Australia or another developed country
  • be aged 17 or over before the scholarship start date
  • be applying to commence a new qualification and not be seeking funding for one already commenced in New Zealand or another country†
  • not have completed, or nearly completed, a qualification at a similar level (i.e. applicants must apply for a higher level qualification than any previously attained), unless strong developmental relevance is demonstrated
  • satisfy the admission requirements of the New Zealand education institution at which the qualification is to be undertaken, including English language criteria
  • have been working in their home country, preferably for at least two years prior to application, including since completing their highest tertiary qualification gained to date
  • be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to the public or private or community sector (as relevant) of their home country, and to their country’s development in general
  • be able to take up the scholarship in the academic year for which it is offered.
A developed country is defined as a country not included on the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee’s [external link] list of aid recipients.
Students will not be funded to continue a qualification they have commenced outside their home country. The funding of qualifications being studied in the home country by self-sponsored, part-time students will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Applicants cannot:
  • be studying full-time at post-secondary level
  • be transferring from another tertiary scholarship (either in New Zealand or in another country) to a New Zealand Development Scholarship
  • hold, or have held, a New Zealand Government or Australian Government scholarship in the 24 months preceding the scholarship start date or have been terminated from a New Zealand or Australian Government scholarship previously.
Applicants are expected to continue residing in their home country during the Scholarship application and selection process. If offered a Scholarship, candidates must:
  • be able to satisfy Immigration New Zealand requirements for international student entry to New Zealand (i.e. medical checks and police clearances/character checks, etc)
  • not hold another scholarship during the period of the New Zealand Development Scholarship
  • agree in writing that they will return to their home country for a minimum period of two years following completion of their scholarship in order to contribute to their country’s social or economic development.
For more information about New Zealand Development Scholarships, just clicking the official website of this New Zealand Development Scholarships.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai beasiswa ke Selandia Baru 2011 2012, New Zealand Development Scholarships, silahkan lihat di situs resminya. Atau Anda juga dapat menghubungi perwakilan di Indonesia:
Development Programme Administrator
Sentral Senayan 2, 10th Floor
Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8 Gelora Bung Karno,
Jakarta Pusat
Tel:+62 21 299 55 800
Email: Ira.Indirawati@mfat.govt.nz

sumber: beasiswabelajar.com

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02.17 | 0 komentar

Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program 2012

Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship 2012 kembali dibuka kepada pelajar dari negara-negara berkembang yang tergabung dalam anggota. Simak info beasiswa luar negeri Joint Japan World Bank Scholarship 2012 berikut:
The World Bank annually awards five scholarships to the PPT program. The first level of screening of candidates will be done at Yokohama National University. The final decision regarding scholarship recipients will be made by the World Bank.
The scholarship covers a monthly allowance of JPY170,000 (the amount is subject to change), and a round-trip air ticket to Japan plus a travel allowance of JPY60,000. The monthly stipend is intended to cover living, commuting and other incidental expenses during the student’s study period. The next scholarship program runs from April 2012 to March 2014. This cannot be changed under any circumstances. In addition, the scholarship covers tuition, entrance examination and admission fees. Travel expenses for some program-sponsored field trips are also included.
Applicants should:
  • be between the age of 25 and 45;
  • be nationals of a World Bank borrowing member country;
  • be mid-career professionals in public service;
  • be of good character, a team player and active in extracurricular activities;
  • hold, at minimum, a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in a development-related field; and
  • have at least four years of recent full-time professional experience in a field related to economic development or public policy, in the applicant’s home country or in another developing country
The following applicants are NOT eligible:
  • those currently pursuing a Master’s or PHD program in industrialized countries;
  • those who have had one or more years of training/studies and/or residency in an industrialized country;
  • permanent residents/nationals of industrialized countries;
  • Executive Directors, their Alternates, and staff of the World Bank Group (the World Bank, International Finance Corporation (IFC), Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) including consultants, as well as their close relatives.)

Priority consideration will be given to applicants who:
  • are 35 years old or younger,
  • are currently holding an official position in the field of tax administration,
  • can receive an official leave of absence during the period of study,
  • are planning to return to the equivalent position (including the current one) in their home country after s/he completes the program,
  • are recommended by appropriate government agencies,
  • submitted GRE scores.
Application forms will be mailed upon request, and are not available through website or email. To receive an application or for more information, please direct inquiries to:
MPE Office
Email: is-mpe@ml.ynu.ac.jp
Fax +81-45-339-3608
The following materials constitute your application.
  • Application Form
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Two Confidential Letters of Recommendation
  • Return Address Label
  • Official Academic Transcript
  • Official TOEFL/IELTS Score or a letter from your undergraduate institution confirming that the primary language of instruction is English.
  • Official GRE Score (if available)
Application forms for 2012 Admission (for study program from April 2012-March 2014) are available from March 2011. Applications for the 2012 admission must reach the MPE Office by NO LATER than September 30, 2011.
sumber: kesempatan-bekerja.blogspot.com

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02.01 | 0 komentar

Melbourne International Fee Remission Scholarships (MIFRS) 2011-2012

Universitas Melbourne di tahun 2011 ini memberikan beasiswa Universitas Melbourne di Australia untuk program 2012 bagi pelajar Internasional. Bagi Anda yang tertarik mengirimkan aplikasi pendaftaran beasiswa ke Australia ini, sila baca informasi lebih lengkapnya di bawah ini:
Melbourne International Fee Remission Scholarships (MIFRS)
The Melbourne International Fee Remission Scholarship (MIFRS) is awarded to international students wishing to undertake graduate research degree studies at the University of Melbourne. MIFRSs are funded by the University with each faculty having a limited number to award.
Eligibility criteria
To be considered for an MIFRS, applicants need to have an unconditional offer of a place in a graduate research degree course (eg masters by research, PhD or other research doctorate) at the University of Melbourne. Further information concerning the eligibility criteria can be found in the conditions.
Only open to international applicants (ie. citizens of countries other than Australia and New Zealand who are not Australian permanent residents.)
Closing date and timelines
Applicants should submit their online application for admission by 31 October. Applications received after this date will only be considered for any MIFRSs that remain at the time the application is assessed for scholarship.
sumber: beasiswabelajar.com

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01.51 | 0 komentar

CIMB Regional Scholarship for Southeast Asians

CIMB Group mencari pribadi-pribadi yang bertalenta tinggi yang memiliki prestasi akademik dan penghargaan dan bisa menempatkan dirinya demi perkembangan ASEAN, CIMB Group menawarkan beasiswa ke Malaysia program CIMB Regional Scholarships 2011-2012. Informasinya dapat Anda baca di bawah ini:
CIMB Group seeks highly talented individuals who have attained an impressive track record of academic and personal achievements and can see themselves playing a significant role in the development of Southeast Asia.

To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:
A citizen of any Southeast Asia country
Have gained acceptance at a top graduate school to pursue postgraduate degree programme in the fields of study offered at the time when the CIMB Regional Scholarship is awarded
Possess a Bachelor’s Degree with minimum CGPA of 3.00/4.00 or equivalent (for Master’s Degree applicants), or a Master’s Degree with good examiner’s report or equivalent (for Doctoral Degree applicants) that is relevant to the course or field applied for
Do not hold any other scholarships, awards or grants that come with any contractual obligation between the recipient and the provider
Relevant work experience, where applicable, is an added advantage.
This is a full scholarship award covering all academic fees such as registration and examination fees, book allowance, as well as other expenses such as accommodation, airfare, travel documents, etc.
Application must be submitted online via the “Apply For Scholarship Now” link on this site. Information provided will only be used for the purpose of evaluating your application for the CIMB Regional Scholarship. Submission of copies of certificates, commendation letters or any other document is not required at this moment. Only applicants who are shortlisted for the next round of assessment will be required to produce the original copies of relevant documents.
Application closing date is 3 August 2011.

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01.39 | 0 komentar

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Peluang Kerja Untuk Executive Accounting

We are an ICT - System Integrator company. Focusing in computer sales and service, original software, communication, PABX, networking, security system, CCTV/IP camera and system solution. We are looking for serious applicants who can work and grow together with us.

Chief Accounting and Finance

Requirements :
- Female/male with max. 35 years old
- D3 or S1 graduate
- (High school graduate is acceptable if having appropriate experiences)
- Able to generate monthly financial statement
- Understand financial flow chart, cash flow, AR/AP, bank reconciliation
- Monitoring/supervising 3 administration staff including cashier, AR/AP, sales admin
- Having knowledge of taxation especially PPN, PPH 23 and 25 is an advantage
- Have a good background and strong knowledge in accounting principle
- Minimum 2 years experience in related field
- Understand Microsoft office especially Microsoft Excel
- Able to work under pressure
Please email your CV and write down your expected salary to:
(This Vacancy is valid until July 23rd, 2011)

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01.59 | 0 komentar

Lowongan Kerja Bank NISP

PT Bank NISP Tbk , membuka kesempatan bagi Anda untuk bergabung dan mengembangkan karir di bidang perbankan. Bagi Anda yang memiliki semangat berorientasi pada pencapaian kerja, inisiatif, percaya diri, keterampilan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik, bergabunglah sebagai :
  • 1. Accounting (ACC)
  • 2. MIS Staff
  • 3. Sales Officer
  • 4. Promotion Staff
  • 5. Service & System Development Manager Premier Banking
  • 6. Sales Program Manager Premier Banking
  • 7. Product Specialist
  • 8. Investor Relation
  • 9. Origination Head for Investment Banking (OH)
  • 10. Investment Banking Officer
  • 11. Business Manager Corporate Banking
  • 12. Facility & Security Agent Investment Banking
  • 13. Branch Service Supervisor (BSS)
  • 14. Research & Development Officer
  • 15. Marketing / Relationship Officer (MO / RO)

* Pendidikan S1 Komputer Akuntansi minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria / Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
* Memiliki pengalaman kerja untuk pengolahan data laporan keuangan dengan menggunakan sistem pengolahan data seperti Microsoft Access dan SQL
* Menguasai bahasa Inggris
* Penempatan Jakarta
2. MIS Staff
* Pendidikan min S1 Teknik Informatika / Komputer, minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria / Wanita
* Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di perbankan¦amp;nbsp; (lebih disukai pengalaman di cash management)
* Penempatan Jakarta
3. Sales Officer
* Pendidikan min D3 minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria / Wanita
* Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai marketing perbankan (lebih disukai bidang cash management perbankan)
* Penempatan Jakarta
4. Promotion Staff
* Pendidikan S1 Komunikasi / Public Relation / Marketing, minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Wanita, usia maksimal 28 tahun
* Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
* Penempatan Jakarta
5. Service & System Development Manager Premier Banking
* Pendidikan S1, minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di Premier Banking
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa & konseptual yang tinggi
* Penempatan Jakarta
6. Sales Program Manager Premier Banking
* Pendidikan S1, minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di Premier Banking
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa & konseptual yang tinggi
* Penempatan Jakarta
7. Product Specialist
* Pendidikan S1 minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di perbankan sebagai Accout Officer (Credit analyst / reviewer merupakan nilai tambah)
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa & konseptual yang tinggi
* Penempatan Jakarta
8. Investor Relation
* Pendidikan S1 Accounting minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 28 tahun
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan komunikasi yang baik
* Penempatan Jakarta
9. Origination Head for Investment Banking (OH)
* Pendidikan S1 minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria / Wanita, usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Memiliki pengalaman minimal 8 tahun di bidang Marketing / Sindikasi perbankan
* Penempatan Jakarta
10. Investment Banking Officer
* Pendidikan S1, minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria / Wanita
* Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sabagai Account Officer / Credit Analyst
* Menguasai Bahasa Inggris
* Penempatan Jakarta
11. Business Manager Corporate Banking
* Pendidikan S1, minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria / Wanita
* Pengalaman minimal 4 tahun sebagai Account Officer (Credit Analyst / Product Development merupakan nilai tambah)
* Usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Penempatan Jakarta
12. Facility & Security Agent Investment Banking
* Pendidikan S1 Lebih disukai Sarjana Hukum, minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria / Wanita
* Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di kredit administrasi
* Memiliki pengetahuan tentang operasional perbankan, perjanjian kredit & dokumen jaminan kredit
* Menguasai Bahasa Inggris
* Penempatan Jakarta
13. Branch Service Supervisor (BSS)
* Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang operasional dan pelayanan perbankan
* Pria / Wanita, usia maksimal 32 tahun
* Mengenal sistem operasional modern banking
* Bertanggung jawab terhadap kelancaran operasional dan service kantor serta mengkoordinir Customer Service / Teller
* Penempatan seluruh Indonesia
14. Research & Development Officer
* Pendidikan S1 Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan/ yang terkait minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria / Wanita
* Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di Research Perbankan / Lembaga Keuangan / Economist
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa & konseptual yang tinggi
* Menguasai Bahasa Inggris
* Penempatan Jakarta
15. Marketing / Relationship Officer (MO / RO)
* Pendidikan S1 minimal IPK 2.75 dalam skala 4.00
* Pria / Wanita, usia maksimal 28 tahun
* Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai Marketing (Funding / Lending)
* Memiliki kemampuan dalam menganalisa target pasar, persuasif dan kemampuan mempengaruhi yang tinggi
* Memiliki customer base yang luas dan terpercaya
* Menguasai bahasa asing / bahasa daerah merupakan nilai tambah
* Penempatan di seluruh Indonesia

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