Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Abu Dhabi Council Scholarship

Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) announces opening of registration in Scholarship Program for 2011 – 2012 academic year for high school graduates and university students to encourage them to pursue their university education.

Students should be UAE nationals.
• Students should have scored 85% and above on their General Secondary Certificate or its equivalent.
• University students should have maintained 3.00 GPA and above, and completed 30 credit hours in learning program.
• Student’s age shouldn’t be less than 18 years for high school graduates and shouldn’t be more than 24 years for university students.

Study Subject(s):Electronics, Electrical, Chemical, Mechnical, Medicine, Economy, Accounting, Finance

Course Level:Undergraduate

Scholarship Provider: Abu Dhabi Education Council

Scholarship can be taken at: UAE

Web Link

Want to know about your city and scholarship?Just Click here

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10.55 | 0 komentar

Program Beasiswa PhD IMI

Peluang Beasiswa-IMI ada;ah sebuah media inovasi institut di NTU.Kebayang kan betapa prestise nya program ini karena NTU termasuk dalam salah satu universitas terbaik Asia.
The Institute for Media Innovation (IMI http://imi.ntu.edu.sg/ ) at Nanyang Technological University invites applications for doctoral positions to work in Singapore, in the area of physics based simulation of clothes, virtual try on of clothes, interactive virtual worlds, interactive augmented reality, behavior models for virtual humans as well as social robots, simulation of medical articulations, group and crowds modeling, and related topics. 
Students will have an opportunity to work in the area of cutting-edge interactive 3D simulation with top equipment as cave and real-time motion capture in a multidisciplinary team.
The doctoral positions require a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related area from a reputed University.
Strong capacity and commitment to research is mandatory.
The candidates should apply using the online system with a CV, a brief statement of potential research, and two letters of recommendation clearly stating IMI on their application (https://wis.ntu.edu.sg/webexe/owa/pga$rsh_main.menu). Click here for more details. Review of applicants will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.
NTU (http://www.ntu.edu.sg) and IMI (http://imi.ntu.edu.sg/) offer vibrant multidisciplinary research environment, both students and faculty members enjoy a host of opportunities for research collaboration with world-leading universities and renowned institutes. There is a strong research culture where innovation and critical enquiry are key features, NTU researchers are immersed in the best of work environment.
The University has invested heavily in research, creating some of the best laboratories and research centers in the world. IMI is housed in the S$25 million nine-storey Research Techno Plaza (RTP: http://www.street-directory.com/ntu/pixAround/rtp.htm), which forms the University’s research hub with four interdisciplinary research corridors and 10 research centers housed in it. Activities of the research centers are linked to their international counterparts, turning the campus into mini Silicon Valley yielding landmark innovations. Singapore has low income tax and a doctoral student is not likely to pay any income tax on their stipend (see http://www.iras.gov.sg/irasHome/page04.aspx?id=1190). A student gets a waiver of the Tuition fee and funding support for conferences are provided on merit and performance basis. Additional Teaching Assistant opportunities may also be available year three onwards.
For any informal inquiry please write to  
Deadline: continuous
Intakes : January and July
For more details please refer to IMI websitehttp://imi.ntuwww.edu.ntu.sg.edu.sg
imi-phd@ntu.edu.sg or +65-6592 7721

Application Deadline : 31 December 2011
Scholarship Link

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10.34 | 0 komentar

World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program for Public Policy n' Taxation

Peluang Beasiswa-Bank DUnia kembali memberikan beasiswa untuk 5 pemenang PPT program.Seleksi pertama kadidat akan diadakan di Universitas Yokohama Jepang.Dan pemngumuman akan diumumkan oleh pihak World Bank sendiri.
Kalau enggak percaya baca langsung bahasa inggrisnya.Maklum kalau salah ngartiin.:)
The World Bank annually awards five scholarships to the PPT program. The first level of screening of candidates will be done at Yokohama National University. The final decision regarding scholarship recipients will be made by the World Bank.
Applicants should:
1. be between the age of 25 and 45;
2. be nationals of a World Bank borrowing member country;
3. be mid-career professionals in public service;
4. be of good character, a team player and active in extracurricular activities;
5. hold, at minimum, a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in a development-related field; and
6. have at least four years of recent full-time professional experience in a field related to economic development or public policy, in the applicant’s home country or in another developing country

Study Subject(s): Public Policy and Taxation

Course Level : Master’s

Scholarship Provider : Graduate School of Economics, Japan’s National Tax Agency and the World Bank

Scholarship can be taken at : Japan

Scholarship Application Deadline: September 30, 2011

Web Link


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10.25 | 0 komentar

Beasiswa S1 FMIPA Di Wilfard University

Beasiswa tahunan yang diadakan oleh Universitas Wilfard ini memang telah menarik banyak pihak untuk berpartisipasi.Selain itu pendaftrannya juga mudah dan simple.Tapi sebelum itu baca-baca bentar yah.

Annual scholarship; established in honour of Dr David Peirson, the first associate dean of the Faculty of Science (2000-2005) and Dr Arthur Read, Dean of Arts and Science (1983-1998); this scholarship fund will continue to accept contributions in honour of retired faculty and staff in the Faculty of Science; in the event more than one applicant is eligible for this scholarship, it will be granted to the applicant with the highest cumulative GPA; examples of active involvement in faculty activities include membership on the STEP Council or functioning as a departmental representative, teaching assistant or active volunteer.

-Full-time undergraduate students in Year 2 or Year 3 of a Bachelor of Science (BSc) program;
-minimum cumulative GPA of 10.0 (A-);
- significant contribution to the Faculty of Science through active involvement in faculty activities

Study Subject(s):Science

Course Level:Bachelor (BSc)

Scholarship Provider:In honour of Dr David Peirson and Dr Arthur Read the retired faculty and staff in the Faculty of Science

Scholarship Application Deadline: 17 October 2011

Web Link

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10.18 | 0 komentar

Info Penerimaan Calon Siswa Siswi Program Pramugari dan Staf Airline 2011-2012

Kesempatan Kerja di industri penerbangan masih terbuka luas…..
Sesudah di terbitkan PP No.40 th 2000 Industri sektor jasa penerbangan mengalami pertumbuhan yang sangat signifikan,calon profesional muda dirgantara sangatlah di butuhkan untuk saat ini, maka dari kami BINA AVIA PERSADA YOGYAKARTA lembaga pelatihan Pramugari dan Staf Airline  memberikan  kesempatan bagi putra-putri indonesia untuk bergabung dengan kami , guna mewujudkan cita-cita  dan menjadikan manusia yang lebih berguna demi menyongsong masa depan yang lebih cerah.

Pelatihan/Diklat di laksanakan di Bina avia Persada Yogyakarta

1. Pria/Wanita
2. Pendidikan Terakhir Minimal SLTA/Sederajat
3. Tinggi Badan minimal 158 Cm untuk Wanita dan 165cm untuk Pria dengan Berat Badan proporsional
4. Usia 18 – 23 tahun (Oktober 2011)

1. Tidak di ijinkan memakai jilbab
2. Berbadan Sehat, tidak berkaca mata /Lensa Kontak, tidak memakai kawat gigi
3. Tidak mempunyai bekas luka baik di tangan atau di kaki
4. Dapat berbahasa Inggris lebih di utamakan
5. Good looking , Performance

Di lengkapi bila lulus seleksi:
1. Ijasah Asli
2. Copy Ijazah terakhir
3. Foto berwarna ukuran 3 x 4, sebanyak 2 lembar
4. Surat Keterangan Belum Menikah dari Pejabat Pemerintah yang berwenang
5. Copy Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian ( SKCK) yang masih berlaku
6. Copy Kartu Tanda Penduduk/KTP
7. Foto Copy surat bebas Narkoba
8. Copy Akte KTP /SIM orang tua
9. Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter
10. Sertifikasi Kompetensi

1. Rapih dan Sopan
2. Blouse warna terang
3. Rok / Celana panjang

Program JAMINAN PENYALURAN KERJA yang kami berikan memang sudah kami persiapkan, Kami mempunyai hubungan baik kepada maskapi, bandar udara nasional maupun internasional antara lain:
1. PT. Gapura Angkasa Bandara Udara Seluruh Indonesia
2. PT. Garuda Indonesia Airline
3. PT. Pratitian Nusantara (PTN)
4. PT.Lion Air
5. Kokapura Avia
6. Sriwijaya Air
7. Dan masih banyak lagi…..

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut bisa datang langsung ke :
Jl. Ipda Tut Harsono No 32 Timoho, Yogyakarta
No Telp : 0274-550442 ; sms : 085729090093,081904266200
Fb, Email: bina_avia@yahoo.com ,

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09.50 | 0 komentar

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Beasiswa S2 Social Sciences di Izard University

This scholarship was established in 1997 from a bequest from the estate of Arnold Woodford Izard. Purpose of award The Scholarship shall be awarded to a student who, in the year of tenure, will be enrolled for a Masters degree  in any faculty apart from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, at Victoria University of Wellington

Must be enrolled for a Masters degree (solely by thesis) in any faculty apart from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, at Victoria University.

Study Subject(s):Humanities, Social Sciences
Course Level:Masters
Scholarship Provider: Arnold Woodford Izard
Scholarship can be taken at: New Zealand
Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 October 2011,  for 2012 academic year- 01 October 2012
Web Link


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21.03 | 0 komentar

Beasiswa Matematika di Lakehead University Canada

Pada postingan kali ini,kita akan membahas tentang beasiswa jurusan matematika.Beasiswa ini diselenggarakan oleh Taylor and Huang Bursary.Ingin tahu selengkapnya baca terus postingan ini.
Every year, between five and ten new graduate students enroll in one of the Master’s programs in Mathematical Sciences, depending on the areas of research interest of applicants and available research funding. At any given time there are between seven and twelve graduate students in residence. The department has an active core graduate faculty of ten and the areas of faculty research specialization include: Computing: Theoretical Computer Science, & Computer Graphics Mathematics: Numerical Analysis, Classical Analysis, Functional Analysis, Combinatorics, Operations Research, Graph Theory, & Algebra Statistics: Regression, Experimental Design, & Sampling.
- Must be a student in a master’s program in Mathematical Sciences
- The recipient must be studying in the field of mathematics and statistics
- Awarded based on financial need and a minimum “B” (70%) average
Study Subject(s): Mathematical SciencesCourse Level: MastersScholarship Provider: Lakehead UniversityScholarship can be taken at: CanadaScholarship Application Deadline: 1 February 2012

Web Link

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20.39 | 0 komentar

Beasiswa Master Erasmud Mundus Untuk Pelajar Negara Berkembang

The European Commission offers a limited number of Erasmus Mundus Category A scholarships for 3rd country (non-EU) students. A Category A scholarship is €48,000 which covers two-year tuition fee of Euro 16,000 and living allowances to study the MALLL programme.
Category A scholarships can be awarded to students from all countries other than the 27 EU member states and EEA/EFTA states: Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway. Furthermore, you must comply with the 12 months rule: You must not be a resident nor have carried out main your activity (studies, work, leisure time etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.
To find out if your contry is considered to be a ‘third-country’, please use the following link: European Member States


    • Application form (will be available before the end of June 2011)
    Your application including the following documents must arrive at the Danish School of Education in Copenhagen by the above deadline:
    • Application form
    • Certified copies of academics transcripts (translated into English)
    • English language proficiency test certificate
    • An academic qualification essay based on research literature on any aspect of lifelong learning
    • One passport-size photograph (in an envelope)
    • Two recommendation letters from former/current supervisors of which one must be academic referee.

    Application results

    • The applicants, who are not selected for the scholarships, receive notification by email in March.
    • The scholarship applicants on the main list and reserve list receive the final results of their applications in late April /early May  after the Consortium has received the final approval on selection from the European Commission.
    • When a main list student withdraws, he/she is replaced by the firsteligible candidate on the reserve list. In this particular case, the eligibility criterion concerns the nationality of the reserve list candidate and the rule concerning the presence of a maximum of two nationals from the same country among the scholarship holders for a given category. If there are already two other students with the same nationality on the main list, the consortium will have to take the next eligible candidate respecting its own ranking list (European Commission’s regulations).

    Tuition fee

    • The tuition fee for third-country students for the two-year programme is €16,000.

    Mobility tracks for batch 6 (2011-2013)

    In the academic year 2011-2012, all MALLL students in batch 6 will study the first year at the Institute of Education, University of London. European students can opt to study one module of the second semester in July-August 2012 at Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia. The third semester will be at Deusto University, Spain. For the fourth semester, students can choose between the three European universities to write thesis.

    Mobility tracks for batch 7 (2012-2014)

    In the academic year 2012-2014, all MALLL students with Erasmus Mundus in batch 7 will study the first year at the Danish School of Education in Copenhagen, Denmark. European students can opt to study one module of the second semester in July-August 2013 at Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia. The third semester will be at Deusto University, Spain. For the fourth semester, students can choose between the three European universities to write thesis.

    Please note that the number of applications by third country students must be limited to three Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses maximum.
    In the eventual case that a student applies to more than three EM Courses he/she will be excluded from the selection for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.
    In addition, only individuals who have not previously benefitted from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship are eligible to apply. Applicants are asked to sign a declaration confirming that they have not previously received an Erasmus Mundus scholarship in the Scholarship Application Form.

    Application Deadline : 16 January 2012

    sumber: the-scholarship.info

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    20.31 | 0 komentar

    Hamish P Mercier Scholarship at Wilfrid Laurier University [Canada]

    Endowed scholarship; established by the Mercier family in memory of Hamish P Mercier. This is the application for competitive scholarships and awards for undergraduate students. This completed application is required for all award opportunities which state that an application is required, with the exception of opportunities which specifically indicate that a “distinct” application is required.

    -Full-time undergraduate students entering Year 3 or Year 4 of a program in the Faculty of Arts;
    -demonstrated academic excellence with a minimum cumulative GPA of 10.00 (A-);
    -significant contribution to the university through involvement in extra-curricular activities

    Study Subject(s):Arts
    Course Level:Undergraduate (Year 3 , 4)
    Scholarship Provider: Mercier family
    Scholarship can be taken at: Canada
    Scholarship Application Deadline: 17 October 2011
    Web Link

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    20.23 | 0 komentar

    Beasiswa S1 di Universitas Waseda Untuk Siswa Internasional

    The Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (JCCI) Singapore Foundation, in cooperation with Waseda University in Japan, set up a one-year scholarship program for university undergraduates to study culture, history, society, politics, economics, geography, arts, literature and so forth of Japan and other parts of Asia. 
    The scholarship program was established in 1995 to commemorate Singapore’s 30th Year of National Independence and the 5th Anniversary of JCCI Singapore Foundation. The Foundation hopes to provide young Singaporeans an opportunity to study in Japan through this program. Also, it wishes to promote further exchanges and cooperation between Singapore and Japan. The successful candidate is thus expected to play the role of a diplomat with the task of strengthening the bilateral relations.


    • All applicants must be Singapore citizens, below the age of 25 (as at 1 st January 2012).
    • Applicant must be a university undergraduate from an Arts and Social Sciences, Business or Law background.
    • Applicants with some knowledge of basic Japanese language will be preferred.
    • Applicant must have genuine interest in Japan.
    • He/ She must be physically healthy.

    Study Subject(s):Culture, History, Society, Politics,Economics, Geography, Arts, Literature of Japan and other parts of AsiaCourse Level:UndergraduateScholarship Provider: Waseda University and JCCI Singapore FoundationScholarship can be taken at: JapanScholarship Application Deadline: 19 September 2011
    Web Link

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    20.15 | 0 komentar